Lily Jones’ Debut single, Dear Little Me

A lot of people blame themselves for what happened to them when they were a child. No matter how horrific. And I think a big reason for that is we transport ourselves to those memories in our current state, in our current age, totally forgetting that we were actually an entirely different person. In many cases, a very young, very innocent child.

I wrote this song after my father died, and I completely separated myself from my mother. This was a very difficult time, where I was suddenly awash with all the anxieties I had kept close whilst living in what I like to call, and what is accurate to call, madness.

The only thing that made me feel better, is looking at pictures of myself as a kid and realising ‘fuck I was actually very young, and very cute! Who would harm that?’ And in each of those moments I would have clarity (that only lasted seconds), that what happened to me had nothing to do with me, or my worth, or what I did or didn’t do… because I was a child. And the repetition of that every day, and still today, is what helps me find some sense of acceptance and peace with little me.